Friday, August 10, 2012

Universal Judgment upon Governor General in Jamaica!

Divine Human Rights Judgement in Global Commerce of today 2012!

Brother Patrick, we have been instructed by the Holy Scriptures and the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit) in our exemplary human rights defender predecessor, Emperor Haile Selassie I, to take the wisdom of the pages of human history (Holy Scriptures), and apply them to the global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination problems of today’s tumulus world of commerce (intellectual trade).

In this technologically advanced information Age of divinity sharing (Holy Communion) online in cyber-space, we find human rights knowledge to be political Gold under this artificially created global Jesuit dominated jurisdiction in commerce.

For as the global financial tsunami is causing extreme psychological stress upon human conscience (knowing human rights from Jesuit Supremacy wrongs, and choosing human rights), we are symbolically walking upon the ‘Sea of Commerce’, with the diplomatic human rights knowledge of collective security under international law, to show humanity how we can actualize the commercial mechanism that will enable us to privately discharge all pecuniary an non-pecuniary IMF debt obligations in global commerce today.

We have no qualms with any of our global Jesuit Supremist indoctrinators of humanity, no matter who they may be. However, we do rebuke the Apostate Germs man P.o.p.e’s (politically oppressive people enemy’s) falsehood as vicar of any type of true representative of Christ (the Anointed One of Ethiopia).

We live in a democratic commercial (contractual) world of ideologies, theories, philosophies, doctrines, principles, etc…, of which we, as priceless an divine spiritual beings may freely adopt to universally guide our human vessel in global commerce (intellectual trade) of today.

But imagine if two Jesuit minded commercial thief’s (IMF profiteers) decided to sit and come to any honest agreement in commerce; without NO international morality, there will never be a negotiable contract to begin with, as no one would willingly take the short end of the stick in any unconscionable commercial contracts of today. This is why the principles of fundamental equality must be applicable for all human beings to diplomatically access equal an fair, free international bartering in commerce.

All physical commercial (contractual) things visibly seen under global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination of today’s commerce, have been commercially created through international fraud and under a universal deception of Christ, by super-imposing artfully contrived Jesuit stories added to Ethiopian Holy Scriptures as if it was valid testimony from our Holy Prophets and forefathers, the Emperors of Ethiopia, and mistranslated with mis-transliterations in the modern an very young English language of today.

Whereas, all diplomatic things (divine covenant – UN charter) not politically seen, shall diplomatically become the manifested head corner stone at the UN treaty organization for human claimants in Geneva. To fulfil scriptures which says, ‘anything not done in human rights faith under global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination of today, IS commercial sin (transgression of UN law of Equality) ; and he who knows how to do what is human rights, and yet does not internationally claim them, it is a commercial SIN (transgression against UN law of Equality) for him.

Therefore, since we live in a global commercial democracy of international individual political choice, we have peacefully renounced global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination (IMF globalization policies), for sound human rights in collective security diplomatic rejuvenation, which can politically, financially, economically and ecclesiastically actualize article 22 of the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all, so that we may be diplomatically empowered to raise the standard of human living globally, under article 25 – human right to the highest standard of living an health for all humanity.

As a modern day Noah (preacher of righteousness), Israel (one who diplomatically conquers) Son of David (he who is well pleasing), Moses (he who draws out), Abraham’s seed (family head’s Son) and autonomous member of Father Isaac’s (Abuna Yeshaq’s) flock here in Jamaica, the lost children of Judah (he who finds Israel), we are respectfully requesting an expeditious private audience to peacefully negotiate for our universal political emancipation together, with t.r.u.t.h.s. (The Real Untold Testimony of Haile Selassie) that NO Jesuit General can ever refute!

We have a human right to self interpret a Second Advent of our Ethiopian Messiah in commerce, Iyesus Kristos Medhane Alem; as NO p.o.p.e can commercially pollute, NO human can politically rebuke, NO Jesuit mental oppressor can mutually salute, as the END of IMF globalization policies (political genocide) is absolutely sure and full proof,,,,selah!

Under ‘reserve powers’, the queens representative governor general must negotiate with the people’s demands for international human rights implementation, or ignorantly commit an international felony by violating due process of international human rights law, with serious violation of international humanitarian law.

For no human representative of any corporate entity (legal fiction), can knowingly transgress and politically violate an individuals international diplomatic claims for Amnesty (pardon) under the divine covenant (UN charter), and not be held accountable for severe intellectual crimes (international felony) by individual complainant at the International Criminal Court of Justice,

Jesuit bankers are stealing the people’s credit (trust) in global commerce. Therefore, let us African Christians please take the peaceful diplomatic route out of IMF globalization policies together, so that the bankrupt nations that universally recognize us as human claimants, may be diplomatically free from global Jesuit Supremist mind-states.

Under article 1 of the divine covenant (UN charter), we all have conscience an reason, and must know that those who receive a righteous (legal an lawful) private human rights diplomat, will receive a private diplomats reward (international immunities).

If you can clearly see that the next generation will eventually inherit the responsibilities of this morally corrupt Jesuit Supremist system of IMF bankruptcy in global commerce anyway, then please use more consciousness of heart and the golden rule with a mustard seed of human rights faith, so that we may be diplomatically destined to politically determine our own fate. Global commerce is the universal slate, so we must diplomatically advance an reserve our own international plate. Now fundamental equality will become real for all Jamaicans to commercially escape, an politically denounce this 3rd world state.

Look to the e.a.s.t (Ecclesiastical Administrative Sovereignty in Tewahedo - oneness), where church an state originally meet, and book a spiritual f.e.a.s.t. (free economical accounting systems terminal), so we can diplomatically raise the standard of living in Jamaica an the world, with NO Jesuit commercial traits.

International morality is the righteous element that will diplomatically exalt this bankrupt nation state (legal fiction in commerce) into a debt free constitutional African Monarchy in Christ.

So let us cross over river Jordan into the Sea of Commerce and constitute an international human rights peace treaty (concordat) to fulfil Kidus Yohannes (St. John) 6:28, to complete the human rights works of our Elect of God in Ethiopia today.

St. John 6:33, for the bread of Elect of God is, he who comes from Ethiopia (heaven) for the universal redemption an salvation towards all humankind today,,,,,,selah!

Joseph 4:20-24

20 As for the twelve stones that they had taken out of the Jordan, Joshua set these up at Gil´gal. 21 And he went on to say to the sons of Israel: “When YOUR sons ask their fathers in time to come, saying, ‘What do these stones mean?’ 22 YOU must then let YOUR sons know, saying, ‘On the dry land it was that Israel passed over this Jordan, 23 when Abba Jahnoy YOUR Elect of God dried up the waters of the Jordan from before them until they had passed over, just as Abba Jahnoy YOUR Elect of God had done to the Red Sea of Commerce when he dried it up from before us until we had passed over; 24 in order that all the peoples of the earth may know Abba Jahnoy’s diplomatic hand, that it is politically strong; in order that YOU may indeed fear Abba Jahnoy YOUR Elect of God in Ethiopia always.’”

Rev 7:2-4

2 And I an I saw another angel (private diplomat) ascending from the sunrising, having a seal of [the] living Elect of God in Ethiopia; and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels (private diplomats) to whom it was granted to harm the earth (193 member nation states) and the sea of commerce, 3 saying: “Do not harm the earth (193 member nation states) or the sea of commerce (trade) or the trees of human l.i.f.e, until after we have sealed the slaves (ambassadors) of our Elect of God in Ethiopia in their foreheads.”

4 And I an I heard the number of those spiritually reborn who were sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel:

2 Timothy 3:1-17

1 But know this, that in the last days of global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2For Jesuit men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of IMF credit money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents in Africa, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any human rights agreement, slanderers against human brotherhood, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with false Jesuit pride], lovers of Jesuit commercial pleasures rather than lovers of Elect of God in Ethiopia’s divine word (UN charter), 5 having a form of godly human rights devotion but proving false to its sovereign (politically free) power (knowledge); and from these Jesuits turn away. 6 For from these arise those men who slyly work their way into households and lead as their captives weak women (churches) loaded down with commercial sins (transgressing UN law of Equality), led by various commercial desires, 7 always learning about Christ and yet never able to come to an accurate human rights knowledge of t.r.u.t.h.s. (The Real Untold Testimony of Haile Selassie).

8 Now in the way that Jan´nes and Jam´bres resisted Moses, so these also go on resisting the t.r.u.t.h.s, Jesuit men completely corrupted in mind, disapproved as regards the human rights faith.

9 Nevertheless, they will make no further progress in global commerce, for their madness will be very plain to all at the UN in Geneva, even as the [madness] of those [two men] became.

10 But you have closely followed my human rights teaching, my course of diplomatic l.i.f.e., my divine purpose, my human rights faith, my long-suffering, my love (obedience to UN law of Equality), my endurance, 11 my political persecutions, my commercial sufferings, the sort of commercial things that happened to me in Jamaica, the sort of political persecutions I an I have borne; and yet out of them all the Lord Aba Jahnoy diplomatically delivered me.

12 In fact, all those desiring to live with godly human rights devotion in diplomatic association with Kristos Iyesus will also be politically persecuted. 13 But wicked Jesuit men and Germs man impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled under global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination.

14 You, however, continue in the diplomatic things that you learned and were persuaded to believe in fundamental human rights equality, knowing from what persons you learned them 15 and that from infancy you have known the holy writings, which are able to make you wise for human salvation through the human rights faith in diplomatic connection with Kristos Iyesus.

16 All Scripture is inspired of Elect of God in Ethiopia and beneficial for human rights teaching, for reproving Jesuit Supremacy wrongs, for setting things diplomatically straight n global commerce, for disciplining in righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness), 17 that the human rights messenger of Elect of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good human rights work.

1 I an I solemnly charge humanity before Elect of God in Ethiopia and Kristos Iyesus, who is destined to universally judge the commercially living and the politically dead, and by his manifestation and his debt free UN planetary kingdom of equality in Righteousness, 2 preach the word (UN charter), be at it urgently in favorable season, in troublesome season, reprove, reprimand, exhort, with all long-suffering and [art of] human rights teaching.

3 For there will be a period of time when humanity will not put up with the healthful human rights teaching, but, in accord with their own commercial desires, they will accumulate Jesuit teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled with falsehood; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the t.r.u.t.h.s, whereas they will be turned aside to false Jesuit stories.

5 You, though, keep your senses in all spiritual things, commercially suffer Jesuit evil, do [the] human rights work of a Christian evangelizer, fully accomplish your human rights ministry.

6 For I an I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the due time for my diplomatic releasing is imminent. 7 I an I have fought the fine intellectual fight, I an I have run the diplomatic course to the finish, I an I have observed the human rights faith.

8 From this time on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness), which the Lord Abba Jahnoy, the righteous judge, will give me as a reward in that universal human rights judgment day at the UN in Geneva, yet not only to me, but also to all those who have loved his manifestation of today, 2012………..selah!

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